My Heart Beats Like Your Heart
This German sheet music is a version published by Sidemton Verlag GmbH of Cologne for the song “One Song” under the title “Mein Herz schlägt so wie dein Herz,” which means “My Heart Beats Like Your Heart.” It is a much freer adaptation by Kurt Feltz compared to the one used in the German version of the film at the time, which was titled “Singen immer nur singen,” meaning “Singing, Only Always Singing.” Here, neither the text nor the title resembles the original English text, except perhaps the last stanza, which indeed talks about a song.
Sidemton Verlag operated from 1949 to 1991, which is consistent with the first release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in Germany in 1950, which is most likely the date this score was originally published.
The copy reproduced here includes two stamps: the first appears to specify its origin, a propaganda service “Propaganda Auslieferung, Tauentzien Musikverlag, Berlin-Halensee, Nestorsr. 22” (Propaganda Delivery, Tauentzien Music Publishing House, 22 Nestor Street in Berlin-Halensee), and the second confirms that this sheet music was not for sale: “Unverkäufliches Belegexemplar” (Reference copy not for sale).
The lyrics are as follows:
Alle Geigen singen süß dieses kleine Lied, und ich glaube ganz gewiß, daß etwas geschieht. Du denkst genau, wie ich an eines dabei, und daß ist ab heute das Schönste für uns zwei. Dein Herz schlägt so wie mein Herz, mein Herz schlägt so wie deins. Dein Kuß brennt so wie kein Kuß, drum sagt dir mein Kuß: wir werden eins. Dein Weg ist nun auch mein Weg, kein Weg führt mehr zurück. Dein Lied das ist nun mein Lied und kein Lied singt so vom Glück.
Which can be translated as follows:
All the violins sweetly sing this little song, and I certainly believe that something is happening. You think of one thing, just like me, and it is the best thing for the two of us from today onwards.
Your heart beats like my heart, my heart beats like yours.
Your kiss burns like no kiss, so my kiss tells you: we become one.
Your path is now also my path, no path leads back. Your song is now my song, and no song sings of happiness like this.