Biancaneve and Tengrenn
As the film’s Italian release approaches on December 23, 1938, distributors RKO Radio Films and Generalcine are distributing this two-part postcard, the front of which features Gustaf Tenggren’s illustration for the American poster, adapted with the Italian title.
Surprisingly, this visual does not appear to have been used as a poster in Italy, where it seems to have been preferred to visuals by a local artist, Carlo Ludovico Bompiani.
The reverse allows you to write your message and the recipient’s address on one side, and offers the following elegantly caligraphed message on the right:
The Generalcine will present: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Walt Disney’s first full-color long feature. The wonder of wonders. Unforgettable for young and old. (La Generalcine presenterà: Biancaneve e i sette nani, il primo lungo metraggio a colori di Walt Disney. La meraviglia delle meraviglie. Indimenticabile per piccoli e grandi.)