Several entire sequences of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, or sometimes single scenes, were cut at various stages of production before the film was released in its final version.

But in order to capitalize on the work already done on the reunion sequence, the bed-building sequence, the soup sequence, and to reuse the cut animation of the dwarves’ marching sequence, a short film project called Snow White Returns was considered shortly after the film’s release. The story was as follows: On their way to the mine, the dwarves receive a message carried by a dove: Snow White is going to visit them. What gift will they give her? A bed, of course! Once this one is finished, they smell the soup concocted by Snow White and eat it in song. They go to get the bed and realize that the tree trunks in which they made it are still in the ground. By the time they saw them, they find Snow White asleep in their beds. The dwarves then use their gift to fall asleep themselves.
The film had the advantage of being cheap to produce but had the disadvantage of reusing sequences that had been deemed the least interesting of the feature film, and Walt Disney had not hidden from the press his desire not to reuse his characters. In fact, this film was never made, but its story is told by Don Hahn in the bonus features of the Blu-ray of the film where you can see all the illustrations.
On the other hand, there is a book called “The Return of Snow White”, with a similar story, but freed from the need to reuse existing scenes, this time its authors imagine that the dwarves offer Snow White a whole palace and a huge diamond.