Contact Us
What is the Snow White Museum?
This site was build by a collector wishing to share a collection. I have no connection with The Walt Disney Company.
Write me!
Use this form if you wish to contact me. Check out frequently asked questions below.
Got a Question?
I would be delighted to answer any question you may have about the site, or an item. Here are a few that you may ask yourself.
- Robert Anderson
- Éric Bokhobza
- Patrick Brion
- Serge Bromberg
- Rémi Carémel
- Alfonso Carralero
- Virginie Constantin
- Ramon Corretge
- Jacqueline Dana-Mounier
- Karl Derisson
- Lucie Dolène
- Pascal Dusserre-Telmont
- Christopher Finch
- Didier Ghez
- Gilles Hané
- Muir Hewitt
- Holger
- Christopher Holliday
- Richard Holliss
- David Johnson
- Ollie Johnston
- François Justamand
- J.B. Kaufman
- Olivier Kosinski
- Martin Krause
- Pierre Lambert
- Luca Lannino
- Robert Lughai
- Leonard Maltin
- Daniel Merten
- François Monferran
- Miguel Navarro
- Christoph Nestel
- Jérémie Noyer
- Sébastien Quéveau
- Chris Pallant
- Yaël Pignol
- Rachel Pignot
- Christian Raczkevi
- Sébastien Roffat
- Bernadette Roger
- Paulette Rollin
- Barbara-Jane Saragoussi
- Brian Sibley
- Philippe Sisbane
- Eric Smoodin
- Frank Thomas
- Vlad Sicoe
- Dave Smith
- Nunziante Valoroso.
Thank you
I would like to thank the following people, who are sources of information and/or inspiration, who helped me from near or far to build this site, and who are, for some, true friends.