Campaign books, sometimes campaign manuals, or exhibitor’s manuals, are booklets of various formats aimed at professionals of the industry, most often movie theater owners, documenting the marketing strategy surrounding the release of a film. In its pages, are often reproductions of the posters, lobby cards, toys, and information about the trailers, the events planned, and of course, the film.
Press books are of course aimed at the press, and offer an introduction to journalists who might not know the film, even proposing pre-written articles that newspapermen are free to personalize.
Sometimes, these two types of documents are merged into one document.
1938 USA Campaign Book 1938 USA Campaign Book – New Edition 1958 USA Exhibitor’s Campaign Book 1967 USA Buena Vista Campaign Book 1975 USA Campaign Pressbook 1983 USA Pressbook 1987 USA Press Information 1994 USA Video and OST Pressbook 2001 USA DVD Campaign Book
1964 British Exhibitor’s manual 1972 British Campaign book 1980 British Campaign book 1987 British Press Information 1987 British Exhibitor’s manual
1938 French Campaign Book 1938 French Ad Pad 1951 French Campaign book 1962 French Campaign book 1973 French Press book 1973 French Campaign book 1983 French Campaign Leaflet 1983 French Press Book 1992 French Press Book 1992 French Campaign brochure 2001 French DVD Campaign Book
1962 Italian brochure
1966 German Campaign book 1983 German Press book 1983 German Publicity Material 1992 German Press book 1994 German Video Press book