The Playgoer is the Carthay Circle Theater magazine and this is the copy that contains the program of the world premiere engagement of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Magazine is published by John F. Hubert, 1633 South Los Angeles Street, in LA. It contains mostly advertisements for various stores and products, such as Milnor’s at the Biltmore hotel, Eddie Schmidt Clothing shop, etc. There are several announcements for the coming January sale, and for coming shows like the January 14 gala premiere of In Old Chicago, and plays like “Three men on a horse” at the Pasadena Community Playhouse.
Among the flow of ads, a small space is dedicated to the actual program of the theater, starting with the title, and basic info, then the “cast”, actually the characters since “Most of the names of those supplying the voices for Walt Disney’s first full-length production, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, are well-known to radio, stage and motion picture audiences. However, Disney will not allow the names to be divulged as he feels that it would detract from the audiences’ acceptance of the voice as a part of a character.”
The “Premier Program includes the latest March of Time distributed by RKO Radio Pictures” which is the name of RKO’s newsreel. The magazine is then punctuated with “Disneygrams”, trivia facts about the film, mostly technical, repeated often by the publicity department, which apparently hadn’t had time to check their facts with foreign versions. “Snow White, the heroine (…) has many ‘aliases.’ In German, she is known as Schneeweischen, in Italian, she is Nevolina; in France, Blanch Neige, and in the Latin countries, she becomes Blanca Nieve.” None of these names will be used for the film’s foreign versions.
Another Disneygram reads: “The same authors responsible for such Disney song hits as ‘Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf’, ‘You’re Nuthin But a Nuthin,’ and “The World Owes Me a Living,” created the tuneful melodies for (…) Snow White.” This reminds us how successful the Silly Symphonies and their songs were.
The magazine ends with a list of the “Carthy” (sic!) Circle executive staff.