This program, richly bound with a red cord, was designed for the original French release (because at the time, France had colonies) at the Majestic cinema in Hanoi, Indochina, now Vietnam. The newspaper “L’avenir du Tonkin” of January 4, 1939, confirms that the previous week, probably at a press screening, the film “was a great success in Hanoi, the auditorium where the show was held was taken by storm: and anyone who wanted a seat had to go and reserve it a long time in advance. “On January 5, the journalist went one better with a dithyrambic review: “Unforgettable spectacle, enchantment of the screen, sensational innovation – a whole artistic horizon that expands as far as the eye can see, to indefinite proportions. (…) In truth, we have witnessed a revolution in the art of cinema”.

The film was then shown to the public from Tuesday April 4 to Monday April 10, 1939, the week during which these luxurious programs were distributed.