To mark the original French release of the film in 1938, E. Séphériadès Editions, 15 rue Pavée, Paris IVe. Séphériadès, 15 rue Pavée, Paris IV, obtained authorization from Walt Disney Mickey Mouse S.A. to produce a batch of postcards reproducing scenes from the film. The interest of this type of card, at a time when postal mail was much more common than it is today, is obvious to the general public, but has an added attraction for collectors, who will naturally want the whole lot.
Although the succession of illustrations effectively tells the story of the film, none of them features the Queen or the Huntsman, which is not the case with the German versions, released with the same images. A Dutch version also exists. After the Second World War, these cards were reissued in larger numbers, with additional illustrations, but still without the scary elements of the film, making a total of 25 cards. This later edition is published by Superluxe and can be purchased directly as a set in a slipcase. It seems that these cards were reissued in later decades, again with 25, with the words “E. S. Séphériadès” on the reverse.