The renowned corporate magazine The Hollywood Reporter obviously mentioned the film several times.
December 9, 1937
The newspaper devotes here an article to the film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and announces the film’s premiere.
On page 2, the insert “Disney Dwarfs premieres at Carthay with $5 top”, in addition to announcing the December 21 premiere, also announces the start of publication of the spin-off comic strip on December 13 by Kings Features Syndicate.
A full-page ad contradicts the latter by announcing the $5.50 premiere ticket price, which can be obtained by sending a check to the studio to attend on December 21 at 8:45pm. A maximum of 4 tickets will be issued per order.
Disney ‘Dwarfs’ Premieres At Carthay With $5 Top
Walt Disney’s Technicolor feature, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” will world premiere at the Carthay Circle December 21 at a $5 top. It will supplant Goldwyn’s “The Hurricane.” King Features Syndicate starts release of a strip on the subject December 13. RKO will release the Disney feature.
December 21, 1937
On a beautiful page printed in light blue with silver stars, Walt Disney announces, just after the film’s premiere, the party organized for his team at the “Trocadero”.
On page 19, Alfred Hitchcock is mentioned at a time when the director had not yet crossed the Atlantic for his career.
February 19, 1938
‘Snow White’ bans in England revoked
London – The county licensing authorities in London, Essex and Middlesex have revoked their bans on “Snow White” and other counties are expected to follow their lead. This makes the picture okay for all audiences, not adults only.
July 11, 1939
‘Snow White’ only U.S. pic to crack French best 10
Survey represents provincial opinion
Paris. – “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was the only non-French picture to be voted among the ten best films for 1938-39, according to the seventh Annual Film Referendum results published by the Toulouse Despatch. The poll received returns from 23,000 voters, reaching 33 provinces, including areas as far flung as Tunis and Morocco, and is considered to be a perfectly “Gallupized” representation of French rural opinion.
The survey’s question asked only for answers on the ten best pictures seen; not those heard or read about.
The ten leading pictures, with the number of votes cast, follow in order of rank: “Quai des Brumes,” 11,832; “Three Waltzes,” 11,572; “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” 10,693; “The Human Beast,” 9299; “Alerte en Mediterranee,” 9197; “Hotel du Nord,” 7582; “Entree des Artistes,” 7429; “Katia,” 7225; “Lights of Paris,” 7055; and “La Maison du Maltais,” 6542.
Leading also-rans were “Gibraltar,” “Trois de St. Cyr,” “Prison Sans Citadelle” (British), “Ramuntcho,” “Conflict,” “Barnabe” and “Prison des Femmes.”
January 14, 1991

An article lists “The 20 top-grossing animated features” and Snow White tops that list with $143.6 million of domestic gross.