This “souvenir album” sold for $1.25, as the cover reminds us, is the collection of sheet music for Walt Disney’s film songs published in the United States. It is a reissue of the album originally published by Irving Berlin before the company changed its name in 1944, which dates the present work to an equal or later date.
The American rights holders are mentioned on the cover: Copyright 1938 Walt Disney Enterprises and Bourne Inc. Music Publishers 136 West 52 Street, New York 19, N.Y., to whom Walt Disney granted the rights to the film’s music. The present 52-page collection differs slightly from the previous edition in a few details: the price has increased from $0.75 to $1.25, and will go up to $2.00; a framing of pages with illustrations in red has here been replaced by unframed pages printed in black and white; and the pagination error in the table of contents has been corrected. The illustrations are in black and white and appear to be drawings by Tom Wood.
The back page and 4th cover promote the same Silly Symphonies and Mickey’s Birthday scores, although they too now feature the Bourne logo instead of Irving Berlin.