The image of Snow White giving a kiss on the forehead to each of the dwarfs before they leave for the mine (singing a cover of “Heigh Ho”) has become a picture-book icon, especially the one with Dopey. It’s another opportunity to reinforce each other’s character traits, but above all, it’s in this scene more than any other that Grumpy’s feelings for the girl are revealed. He’s clearly in love with her, and she knows it: the cake she’ll bake later is for him. Incredibly, Happy is nowhere to be seen in this sequence.


Here is the sequence broken up into scenes with the corresponding animators.

Concept drawings


Animation Drawings

Layouts and Backgrounds

The pan background of scene 27 was most likely cut after production by Helen Nerbovig so that the right side would be used to be sold as one of her cel set up. The recreation below, made from screen captures of the film, allows you to see how the colors of a background would photograph differently with the Technicolor camera.
