Full name: William Harry Dennis Cottrell
Birth: November 19, 1906 in South Bend, Indiana
Death: December 22, 1995 in Burbank, California
Hazel Bounds (1938 – January 22, 1975)
Worked at the Disney studio between:
1929 – 1982
Job on Snow White:
Director of sequences 1B, 2B, 3A, 7A, 9A, 13A, 14C, 14F, 14H
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Walt Disney’s Brother-in-Law
In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Bill Cottrell mainly directed the sequences with the Queen, before and after her trransformation. He was the second husband of Hazel Sewell, née Bounds, who was the sister of Lilian, Walt Disney’s wife. But he was also a talented director.