Three title cards tell us that the dwarfs have kept Snow White in a glass coffin, and that the Prince is still looking for her. This plot device seems to have been a decision taken by Walt Disney, and one that had already been made very clear in the tentative outline of October 22, 1934.
It’s worth noting that the three cards are displayed on animated backdrops, symbolizing the changing of the seasons. For the foreign versions, the same animation was reused on the translated texts.
Production information
Sequence number: 15B
Date of final draft: December 2, 1937
Director: Wilfred Jackson
Titles: Gordon Legg
Effects animators: Cy Young & Jim Will
Prince: Harry Stockwell
Here is the sequence broken up into scenes with the corresponding animators.
The sequence in Spanish
The sequence in French
The original 1938 French titles were also animated. For some reason, newly created titles were photographed for the 1962 French re-release. Unfortunately, the last title contained a typo on the word “endormie” (asleep). By the time the French laserdisc came out, the titles were redone yet again (probably during the 1992 restoration) to correct the typo with modern typography and fixed backgrounds. Yet the text is the same as the original 1938 version, with one insignificant exception (“le cœur à l’enterrer” instead of “le cœur de l’enterrer”, both of which are correct and mean “the heart to bury her”).
The sequence in Portuguese
The sequence in German
The sequence in Italian
The original 1938 Italian titles were also animated but at some point, new fixed titles were created, possibly for the 1987 re-release, which was cropped for a widescreen ratio. The translation is very different from one adaptation to the other.
The sequence in Swedish
The sequence in Dutch
The Dutch titles were newly translated, possibly in 1984, but this time, for some reason, the second one is animated with falling snow.
The sequence in Greek
The Greek titles were created in 1974.