Production information
Album produced by La société française du son – Decca
Record production number: Decca n°450.885 – Collection Tante Laure Épi n°81
Release date: 1959
Country of production: France
Orchestra conducted by Yvon Alain
Composed by Frank Churchill, Leigh Harline, Larry Morey, and Paul J. Smith
Illustrations: Pellerin d’Épinal
Text: Aunt Laure
Narrator: Simone Renant
Back to French Records

An image of Epinal
This 1959 French album edited by Decca Records, is part of a series advertised on the last page of the booklet. Its main selling point is that the illustrations are from the famous Imagerie of Epinal, a printing plant founded by Jean-Charles Pellerin in 1800, which popularized color illustrations throughout France.
These illustrations, even though Snow White’s dress is almost identical to Walt Disney’s character, are obviously not licensed by the studio. The dwarfs are quite different, so is the Queen, but the most obvious change is Snow White’s head. She sports a chesnut-colored bowl cut.
The story is also influenced by the film, but with differences in the storyline: the Queen attempts to kill the girl several times. Snow White is awakened by the Prince’s fairy godmother Evelyne.
The lovely and famous French actress Simone Renant is the narrator of the story, written by Aunt Laure. Samples of the 1957 record conducted by Yvon Alain punctuate the story as background music.
The Album
Track listing
- Blanche Neige et les sept nains Part 1 (10D59M450) 3:55
- Blanche Neige et les sept nains Part 2 (10D59M451) 3:44