Production information
Album produced by Adès Records – The Little Minstrel
Record production number: VS-645 F ADE 100
Release date: 1983
Composed by Frank Churchill, Leigh Harline, Larry Morey, and Paul J. Smith
French lyrics by Marcel Ventura and Alfred A. Fatio
Snow White: the cast of the second French version
By authorization of Walt Disney Productions
Back to French Records

This 1983 45 rpm record, entitled “Heigh – Ho! It’s Home From Work We Go. The 7 Dwarfs Sing” appears to be the first single to contain excerpts from the film’s French soundtrack of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It was produced by Les disques Adès, 54 rue Saint Lazare 75009 Paris, France, and the serial number is VS-645 F ADE 100, but it does feature the logo “A Disneyland Record” in English. The cover features an original illustration of dwarfs leaving their mine and crossing a river on a log.
On the back are advertisements for the titles “in the catalog”, namely the 33 rpm record of the film’s story told by Bernard Giraudeau, and the 45 rpm record of the story told by Marie-Christine Barrault, both also available on cassette. The songs are also listed, along with composer Frank Churchill and lyricist Larry Morey. But neither the adapters nor the performers of the French version are mentioned. However, this is the 1962 French version.
Advertisements for this record appeared in the Journal de Mickey of December 4 and December 18 1983.

Track listing
Side A:
- La tyrolienne des nains (4’36)
Side B:
- Heigh-Ho! (1’31)
- Pic Pic Pic (1’11)
Note that the last two songs have been inexplicably reversed, even though they form a single sequence in the film.