Production information
Album produced by Adès Records – The Little Minstrel
Record production number: WD-10.525 F ADE-331
Tape production number: DC-49F
Release date: 1983
Composed by Frank Churchill, Leigh Harline, Larry Morey, and Paul J. Smith
French lyrics by Marcel Ventura and Alfred A. Fatio
Snow White: Lucie Dolène and the cast of the second French version
By authorization of Walt Disney Productions
Back to French Records

It took 45 years for the French soundtrack to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to be released on record. But the wait has paid off. In 1983, the 33-rpm disc WD 10.525 F ADE-331 was released by Les disques Adès – Le petit ménestrel, 54 rue Saint-Lazare, 75009 Paris.
It contains almost an hour of the second French version, recorded twenty years earlier, which is presented partially but without narration, a tribute to the clarity of the script. There’s no need to explain what’s going on, listening to the music and dialogue is enough to follow the plot. This is probably the only Walt Disney film to benefit from this type of publication in France.
The cover uses an illustration from the 1970s, already used for record books, in which Snow White dances with Bashful while the other dwarfs dance or play musical instruments. The frame is yellow and includes the reference and the “A Disneyland record” logo. The film’s title, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, is slightly modified to “Snow-White and the 7 Dwarfs”, and the disc’s subtitle specifies that this is indeed the “original soundtrack of the film’s music and songs – French version.” This is indeed the version with Lucie Dolène.
On the reverse, there’s an advertisement for other titles “in the catalog”: the 33 rpm disc of the film’s story told by Bernard Giraudeau ST-3892 F, the 33 rpm disc of the film’s story told by François Périer WD 10,524 F, and the 45 rpm disc of the film’s story told by Marie-Christine Barrault LLP-466 F, all also available on cassette.
A numbered list of songs, divided by side, is also given, although the numbers don’t correspond to any track, as each side offers a single track.
Advertisements for this record appeared in the Journal de Mickey of December 4 and December 18 1983.

Finally, we find the copyright Walt Disney productions, 1983 Buena Vista Distribution Co. and a mention that this recording is also available on cassette. In fact, the DC-49 F ADE-531 cassette reproduces the same recording and the same visual as the disc, surrounding it with a predominantly red frame.