Production information
Record production number: Album n115
Release date: 1938
Produced by La voce del padrone
Composed by Frank Churchill, Leigh Harline, Larry Morey, and Paul J. Smith
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This set of 3 78rpm records is the Italian release of the American soundtrack of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The recordings are indeed the same, so the songs are in English.
The labels, however, are inspired by the British design, and the cover of the box is original. The Italian text reads: “Biancaneve e i sette nanni. Dischi incisi dalla colonna sonora del film originale americano di Walt Disney. Album serie n° 115 (dischi GW1530/32). La voce del padrone.”, meaning “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Records recorded from the soundtrack of Walt Disney’s original American film. Album no. 115 (discs GW1530/32). His Master’s Voice.”
The records
Each record had a number and each side also had a matrix number, similar to the British numbers.
Record GW 1530
- Con un canto nel cuor [With a Smile and a Song] (0A.09849) (3:45)
- Dig-a-Dig-Dig e Ehi-Ho [Dig-a-Dig-Dig and Heigh-Ho] (0A.09850) (3:08)
Record GW 1531
- Io desidero e Non ho che un canto [I’m Wishing and One Song] (0A.09847) (3:36)
- Impara a fischiettar [Whistle While You Work] (0A.09848) (3:33)
Record GW 1532
- La tirolese del nani [Dwarf’s Yodel Song] (0A.09870) (3:09)
- Il mio amore un dì verrà [Someday My Prince Will Come] (0A.09871) (2:18)