Snow White bites into the apple and suffocates, while the Queen recalls aloud the effects of her poison as described in the spell book. With her last breath, the Princess falls to the ground, revealing only her hand letting slip the fatal apple on-screen.

The old hag, with a triumphant and ironic cry, exclaims: “Now, I’ll be fairest in the land!”

In the final draft, right after Snow White falls, scene 4A was supposed to be one shot where the witch would laugh, say her line and exit the door. In the final version, there are two shots and the second cuts before she gets out.


Here is the sequence broken up into scenes with the corresponding animators.

Concept drawings


Animation Drawings

Layouts and Backgrounds

The production backgrounds of this sequence were all used in presentation cel set-ups by the studio. As the cels were usually glued to the background, there are no scans of the original backgrounds without the cels.
